Fancy colored diamonds are all the rage
these days. Gemologists have developed
new ways to create versions that are
affordable for the average person - by
treating less desirable diamonds. These
less desirable diamonds are treated with
irradiation followed by intense heat. This
turns brown and yellowish diamonds into
beautifully colored diamonds that you can
afford. This produces stunning greens,
blues, yellows, reds, purples and other
colors. These colors are considered
permanent, but there is a possibility
they could change during repairs if a high
heat is used.
Treatments like irradiation make it possible
for more people to own these vividly colored
diamonds. Most natural colored diamonds
are rare and also extremely expensive. When
shopping for colored diamonds you need to
assume that any affordable fancy color
diamond has been treated. Ask about the
stones origin and request to view a lab
certificate to verify authenticity.
Synthetic colored diamonds are another
option if owning a colored diamond is
something you desire but cannot quite afford.
They are real diamonds, but they are created
in a lab.
Natural fancy color diamonds get their
coloring from different trace elements present
in the stones, such as nitrogen, which
produces a yellow diamond. Diamonds can
be colored by exposure to radiation during its
creation. An example of a diamond affected
by radiation is a Green diamond.
Another way that a natural colored diamond
gets color is by its inclusions. Regarded as
flaws and undesirable in a colorless diamond,
inclusions give unique tones and brilliant
flashes of color in a fancy color diamond.
Remember that Natural fancy colored
diamonds are very expensive, any colored
diamond labeled to be sold as natural should
be accompanied by a certificate from a
respected grading lab.
A "fancy" diamond is a natural diamond that
has color. These colors vary from red, green,
purple, violet, orange, blue and pink – and
most shades between. Fancy color shades
vary from faint to intense.
The most famous diamonds in the world are
Color diamonds. The Tiffany Diamond,
which is yellow and the Hope Diamond which
is blue are colored diamonds. Color
diamonds have an amazing financial track
record. The value has never decreased on
wholesale level in more than 30 years. Blue
and pink diamonds have doubled every 5
years of a strong economy. In the 1970’s
you could have bought a very high quality
blue diamond for about 50K and today the
very same stone would be worth between
2 and 3 million.
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Colored Diamonds
Posted by
10:33 PM
Labels: diamonds, investment
Monday, January 22, 2007
How to Sell A Diamond
There are many reasons why you may want
to sell a diamond that you own. Perhaps
you’ve gotten divorced, or you are strapped
for cash. The reasons why don’t really matter
– getting the best possible price is what
counts! The way to obtain the best price
for the diamond is to not be in a rush. Slow
down, and carefully consider all of your
options – there are many.
First, have the diamond appraised. In fact,
have it appraised by two or three jewelers to
get an accurate idea of the diamonds value.
Tell the appraiser that you want the Rapaport
Value. This is the wholesale value of the
diamond, and it basically tells you the highest
price that you can sell your diamond for. If your
diamond has no certificate, you should
consider getting a certificate from GIA. This
may help you get a better price for the
diamond as well.
First, try to sell the diamond yourself, to
people you know. Friends and family
members may be interested. If you don’t have
any luck with friends or family members, you
should turn to outside sources. Absolutely
avoid pawn shops! A pawn shop will only offer
you about 10% of what the diamond is worth!
Also avoid offers of selling the ring on
consignment. There are many things that
can go wrong, and there is no shortage of
diamond scams – even in well known
jewelry stores.
If the diamond is important, you should
strongly consider auctioning it off through
one of the famous auction houses, such as
Christie’s or Sotheby’s. If it isn’t what is
considered an ‘important’ diamond or a
high-end diamond, you should try to sell it
to an individual using classified ads, or even
eBay. However, selling to an individual that
you do not know could put you in danger –
especially if the diamond is worth a lot of
Your final option should be a jewelry store. It
is vital that you not let your diamond out of
your sight while in the jewelry store – you
might find that the diamond you walked in
with is not the same diamond that you walk
out with! The jeweler will try to tell you that
your diamond is of poor quality or low
weight. Inevitably, there will be some
problem with the diamond. This is where
your appraisal and/or certificate will come
in handy.
If the jeweler is fair, they will offer you
between 60% and 80% of the value of the
Rapaport Value. Do not accept anything less
than this. Again, do not let the diamond out of
your sight until you have been paid for it.
Posted by
10:14 PM
Labels: buy and sell, diamonds, invest diamonds
Sunday, January 21, 2007
It has been said you can lift the Rock of Gibraltar if you have a fulcrum point and long enough lever. When we refer to "financial leverage" we are talking about the same principle. If you buy a business building for $100,000 with $5,000 down, this is using leverage of 20 to 1. For a mere 1/20th of the purchase price, you actually own and control property that is 20 times more valuable than your cash investment.
If the income of the building is only sufficient to make the payments and expenses and you don't gain any cash flow, you are still getting the building paid for and perhaps in 5 years or so,with continuing inflation, you can sell the building for$200,000... a gain of $95,000 on a $5,000 investment. This is the potential result of proper use of leverage.
A good rule to follow in applying leverage, relevant to any business venture for that matter, is always provide a reserve.Hold back some cash for emergencies. Hold back additional capital so if you go under you will have a nest egg to start a new venture.
Sometimes when things go sour and there is no way out it is better to take the least loss possible, save what you can and getout...NOW! Use the remainder to again find financing, marginleases, mortgages, franchises and all the other manners of using money belonging to others for both their profits and yours.
Selling your property for cash then leasing back on a long term lease is an other form of leverage. If you sell for one million dollars cash and lease back at $10,000 per month, you have generated tremendous leverage. You now have $1,000,000 each with10% down for each property, you now control 10 millions dollars worth of income producing properties. Sometimes it is possible touse options to hold property, with very little cash down, untilyou can obtain title and take possession. This can produce fantastic leverage if planned property.
Going public is an other method used to gain leverage by usingother people's money. You receive money from the public forshares of your corporate stock and at the same time establish a market value for your unissued stock.
Before you apply leverage on any proposition, be sure know just what your are doing. There must be a continuous favorable cashflow to service your debt, pay all your costs and expenses andgive you a reasonable profit. If weakness occurs in any one or several of your business entities, it could drag down your entire organization.
Franchising your business operation packet is another form of leverage. You are selling others your know-how and the right to use your system and/or product for a price, either a share of the profits, a bulk payment or a combination of both.
It is not as simple as it used to be to become a franchiser, due to controls and red tape established by the various state and governmental agencies. In some states it is just about impossible for the layman to proceed to wade through all the red tape required to satisfy the laws. However, if it were easy to do, it probably would not be profitable anyway.
When you have met all the requirements of the various agencies,you will have an operating manual and pro-forma accounting statement...You will have developed a turn-key package for your franchise offering.
To get started right get revised statutes of the state from theSecretary of State and study the requirements for establishing and selling franchises.
Posted by
10:54 PM
Labels: bonds, investments, real estate, stocks